Peter Marshall

A view of Hull


32l56 - Humber Bridge from Barton-upon-Humber, 1982 - Humber

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Still Occupied

Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.

The Humber Bridge seen from Barton-upon-Humber. We drove across the bridge and walked around Barton a little, but I think it was a Sunday and everything was closed. I photographed a giant knot outside Hall's Barton Ropery (it closed a few years later in 1989 and is now and arts centre), and then we walked down to the shore and west far enough for me to take a photograph of the bridge, filling the foreground with a small lake and reeds.
On the full-size image I can make out the Lincoln Castle, beached on the foreshore at Hessle as a restaurant, just to the left under the lowest point of the suspension wires, and further to the right some of the taller blocks of Hull are visible on the horizon.


Peter Marshall
01784 456474

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