Peter Marshall

A view of Hull

West & North Hull

Hessle Rd area

85-10n-52: St George's Hotel, Selby St, 1985 - Hessle Rd
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In the background of this image, on the side of one of the more recent houses you can see the image of a game of rugby league in the brickwork. You see this if you look out to the right as your train nears Hull, in Farnella Close off of Selby St. The picture was taken on Selby St and the pub on the corner of St George's Rd is the nineteenth century St George's Hotel.
The nearer house has been demolished and the area became part of the pub garden. The pub became noted for its drag acts when the landlord was female impersonater Bobby Mandrell, "Hull's Most Glamorous Landlady". It closed in 2013, but was reopened in 2016 and shortly after changed its name to the Loud Mouth Count Hotel.


Still Occupied

Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.


Peter Marshall
01784 456474

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