Peter Marshall

A view of Hull

West & North Hull

Hessle Rd area

27p45: Fish Smoke House, Goulton St, 1981 - North & West Hull - Hessle Rd

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Still Occupied

Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.

This fish smoke house was one of a number in the area close to where Subway St led into the Fish Dock - and probably this picture was taken either on West Dock Ave or Subway St close to their junction with Goulton St. Rows of chimneys like this on top of a steeply sloping roof were a familiar sight in the area between Hessle Rd and the Fish Dock.


Peter Marshall
01784 456474

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