Peter Marshall

A view of Hull

City Centre

28l23; Softee meeting in progress, Baker St area, 1981 - City Centre
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Still Occupied

Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.

These two doors, next to each other I think down Baker St or Union St, one with a Celtic cross and its neighbour with a permanent 'Meeting in Progress' struck me as a mystery. The meeting was apparently still going on undisturbed around ten years later when I walked past. For years I couldn't decide what the name above the notice had been, though it was familiar. The letters 'Soft' remained, followed by the trace of an 'e' and another letter, perhaps a second 'e', and much later I recognised it as a part of the 'Mister Softee' ice-cream logo. This US franchise came to the UK in the 1960s and Massarella Supplies Ltd took a franchise in Doncaster through Lyons as Mr Softee UK. The door is numbered 2, with this crossed out by a rather fish-shaped daub of paint - or perhaps solidified ice-cream.


Peter Marshall
01784 456474

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