Still Occupied
Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.
From an iron foundry established in the late 18th century Rose Downs and Thompson developed an engineering business specialising in machinery for the edible oil industry. Constructed in 1900, their ferro-concrete factory extension was the first in England (a year or two after Weaver's Granary and Flour Mill at Swansea, which has been demolished for a Sainsbury's car park) using the Hennebique system and is said to be the only remaining example in England though many were built, and is Grade II listed. Hennibique's agent for the UK, L G Mouchel, was extremely active in promoting this patented method of steel reinforcement in concrete - and invented the English term 'ferro-concrete'.
Hull has another listed Hennibique structure, a bridge over the Foredyke stream in New Cleveland St, next to its junction with WItham, also built by Rose, Downs & Thomson Ltd in 1902 and a plaque on it states it to be the first ferro-concrete bridge in the UK. The stream has since been filled in and only the parapets are visible on each side of the road.
There were plans to convert the factory to flats in 2010 and some Hull councillors challenged the listing and wanted to get it pulled down in 2012. It was still in a derelict state in August 2016.
Peter Marshall
01784 456474
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